n54 Base map and flex

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n54 Base map and flex

Post by beetos »

Hi all, I am preparing to install a PnP kit into my 2012 1M (DI N54 twin turbo motor). Car has upgraded turbo's and an upgraded LP fuel system as well as other bolt ons. Climbing the learning curve but looking forward to getting stuck in. Ultimately I want to add port injection, flex fuel and use 'direct injection time limit' to look after fuel split. Stock set up is a map sensor in the inlet charge pipe and it does not appear that they don't run a conventional speed density strategy, so was curious to see how the PnP kit deals with it.

I note that the base map my dealer gave me to get familiar with while the kit arrives uses an Alpha-n (TPS/RPM on secondary load table with secondary load blend @ 100%). The shape of this millisecond table looks pretty much like the VE of the engine. It then uses various compensations and a 'simple manifold pressure correction multiplier' for boost, along with two custom fuel multiplier 3D tables: one is fuel comp v map1, the second is closedloop target v TPS.

Now most if this I get but don't fully understanding the multiplier table that has fuel comp v Map1. The multiplier values in there look quite reasonable for the various flex fuel percentages from a fuel multiplication perspective. Since I have a 3.5bar sensor in the charge pipe ahead of the throttle body (v stock 2.5 bar), which covers as much boost as I want to run, I am thinking to maybe just rescale map1 and keep this base map fuel strategy including its flex fuel comp v map1 table, and enable flex fuel to make use of other tables for things like start maps and ignition maps. Since the fuel secondary load blend is at 100%, and if the fuel corrections are global then it should not matter which run-mode fuelling base injection map of the 4 the ecu looks at as they are all zero.

Does this make sense or am I missing something?

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Re: n54 Base map and flex

Post by stevieturbo »

If you enable the flex fuel side of things, as the help file says, it changes the operation of the various multiple tables.

I've never used it, but when you make this change, I do not believe the table names change to highlight that they are used in a different manner. Which means you need to remember what you're doing.

A simple global multiplier vs fuelcomp is a lot easier.
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