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997.2 EMC center differential

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 5:56 am
by tacker
Hi guys I m in the process of retrofitting a Porsche 997.2 EMC into my 993 . The electromagnetic clutch has 2 wires and I need to figure out how to control it using the S8. Does the EMC require a PWM signal? Can it be controlled with a injector output ? Any advise would greatly appreciated. Controlled similar to a DCCD ? Thanks

Re: 997.2 EMC center differential

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2019 12:10 pm
by tacker
I'm still needing help on this. I have all the bits in place and have pin 60 available. Pin 60 is a h bridge and I don't know how to configure the bridge if I use either center diff control or fan 8. Do I need to use a different pin? PwM not h bridge ?
Or is there a way to configure the H bridge. Is center diff control the way to go? Or fan8 with custom maps ?
Thanks for any help